seharusnya mampu menggunakan mekanisme kompromi dalam ASEAN (Perhimpunan Negara
– Negara Asia Tenggara) ini untuk merenegosiasikan beberapa detail dalam
Perjanjian Perdagangan Bebas ASEAN – China untuk keperluan perlindungan
industry dalam negeri.
Perjanjian Perdaganagan Bebas ASEAN – China
(ACFTA), neraca perdagangan Indonesia
– China
sangant deficit. Pada tahun 2010, neraca perdagangan deficit 4,7 miliar dollar
AS. Sejumlah industry besar dalam negeri mengalami keterpurukan karena
datangnya berbagai macam barang – barang China yang ditawarkan dengan murah.
Dengan adanya renegosiasi dikawasan
ASEAN, renegosiasi ACFTA ditingkat bilateral akan menjadi lebih kuat dan menuai
hasil lebih adil. Hal ini mengingatkan bahwa kekuatan ekonomi dan perdagangan China hanya
akan bisa ditandingi ketika 10 negara ASEAN bersatu sebagai entitas ekonomi.
Dan seharusnya Indonesia memanfaatkan posisi sebagai ketua ASEAN untuk
mendorong anggota Negara – Negara ASEAN merenegosiasikan ACFTA dengan China
agar lebih seimbang bagi negara – negara ASEAN, dimana negara Vietnam dan
Filipina juga tertekan dengan adanya perdagangan bebas (ACFTA) tersebut.
nasional yang tidak tercapai dalam KTT
ASEAN adalah perlindungan pekerja Migran. Sebagai negara pengirim pekerja
migran terbanyak dikawasan ASEAN ke Malaysia,
Singapura, dan Brunei perlindungan terhadap pekerja migran
seharusnya lebih tegas dan lugas. Indonesia seharusnya mengeluarkan
nota atau hitam diatas putih kesepahaman perlindungan TKI dengan negara –
negara tujuan. Supaya tidak ada lagi kekerasan dalam bekerja yang dialami oleh
beberapa TKI.
Umum Gabungan Perusahaan Makanan Ternak Sudirman mengatakan, dengan pasar
tunggal ASEAN, Indonesia
malah akan menjadi peluang bagi industry unggas dinegara lain karena pasar RI
menjanjikan dengan jumlah penduduk 237 juta jiwa. Dan jika sector hulu juga
mendukung industry perunggasan nasional tidak dibenahi, terutama untuk pasokan
bahan baku,
seperti jagung dan kedelai . Untuk masalah daya saing industry perunggasan di Indonesia
sama dengan negara lain dimana yang menjadi penentu adalah bahan baku nya. Indonesia pun
masih punya keunggulan komparatif dibandingkan negara ASEAN lain dalam sector
karena itu, pengusaha hendaknya dapat menggarap pasar ASEAN dan internasional
lewat negara – negara ASEAN lain untuk meningkatkan ekspor produk kehutanan.
Pengusaha harus mengolah agar nilai tambah tidak pindah ke negara lain. Justru
industry kehutanan Indonesia
masih yang terdepan di ASEAN, tetapi kalau sector permebelan, memang Indonesia kalah dari China.
FUND : a reserve of money set a side for some a purpose
DEMANDING : Requiring more than usually expected or thoght due
ACCOUNT : importance or value "a person of considerable account", "he predicted that although it is of small account now it will rapidly increase in importance" ; a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance "they send me an accounting every month"
SAVING : an act of economizing; reduction in cost "it was a small economy to walk to work every day"
MONEY : the official currency issued by a government or national bank "he changed his money into francs"
VANISH : decrease rapidly and disappear "the money vanished in Las Vegas", "all my stock assets have vaporized"
TRADE : the commercial exchange (buying and selling on domestic or international markets) of goods and services "Venice was an important center of trade with the East", "they are accused of conspiring to constrain trade"
INVESTOR : someone who commits capital in order to gain financial returns
ENTREPRENEUR : someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for it
INVESTING ; INVESTMENT : the act of investing; laying out money or capital in an enterprise with the expectation of profit
INDUSTRY : the people or companies engaged in a particular kind of commercial enterprise "each industry has its own trade publications"
BANK : a financial institution that accepts deposits and channels the money into lending activities "he cashed a check at the bank", "that bank holds the mortgage on my home"
AUDIT ACCOUNT : an inspection of the accounting procedures and records by a trained accountant or CPA
WALL STREET : a street in lower Manhattan where the New York Stock Exchange is located; symbol of American finance.
1. I ... written a letter
A. Have B. Has C. Was D. Were Answer: A. Have
2. He has ... milk.
A. Drink B. Drunk C. Was D. Have Answer: B. Drunk
3. ... i seen a ghost ?
A. What B. Where C. Have D. Has Answer: C. Have
4. She hasn’t come ... ?
A. Yet B. Haven’t C. Soon D. Who Answer: A. Yet
5. Have you ... seen a ghost?
A. Just B. Ever C. Already D. Never Answer: B. Ever
6. She has become clever ...
A. Before B. Already C. Just D. Recently Answer: D. Recently
7. They ... ... paid the bill
A. Has just B. Just C. Have already D. Has already Answer: C. Have already
8. He ... ... closed the door
A. Has just B. Just C. Have already D. Has already Answer: A. Has just
9. We have ...
A. Swim B. Swum C. Swimming D. Swimming pool Answer: B. Swum
10. She ... ... a snake
A. Have seen B. Has seem C. Has seen D. Seen Answer: C. Has seen
1. I ... tennis in Senior High School
A. Played B. Playing C. Player D. Play Answer: A. Played
2. Mount Merapi ... in 1998
A. Exploded B. Explod C. Exploding D. Explodes Answer: A. Exploded
3. I ... that letter last night
A.Write B. Wrote C. Writing D. Writes Answer: B. Wrote
4. He ... his father yesterday
A. Calling B. Call C. Called D. Calls Answer: C. Called
5. She ... the book for Rp25.000
A. Buy B. Buying C. Pay D. Bought Answer: D. Bought
6. The washing machine ... yesterday afternoon
A. Repair B. Is repaired C. Was repaired D. Had repaired Answer: C. Was repaired
7. Guide: “What did you bring with you in Japan?”
Me : “I ... a passport and visa.
A. Bring B. Brought C. Was brought D. Bringing Answer: B. Brought
8. Tiara: “Why did you leave her alone?”
Isaac : “Because she ...”
A. Sleeps B. Slept C. Sleeping D. Sleep Answer: B. Slept
9. You: “What did you do last holiday?”
Me: “I ... my holiday in California.”
A. Spent B. To spend C. Spend D. Spending Answer: A. Spent
10. The room ... yesterday.
A. Was cleaned B. Being cleaned C. Is cleaned D. Were cleaned Answer: A. Was cleaned