
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Job Interview - Business English Language 2#

The Conversation 

Name of Interviewer : Kate

Kate: Good Morning. Please sit down.
George : Good morning.
Kate : Whats your name ?
George : My name is George.
Kate : Please introduce yourself to me
George : Hmm, I am 23 years old and i am fresh graduate from Iowa University, my major is Economic Management.
Kate : Do you have any job experience?
George : Yes, I have. 
Kate : Please explain to me about your experience.
George : In the year 2009 - 2010 I've worked in  one of the Japanese companies in Indonesia in production. And then, in 2011 to present I am working in one private company engaged in the general supplier, as the procurement staff.
Kate : Whats your motivation applying here ?
George : I want to have a better career path again.
Kate : Please tell me your strength and your weakness!
George : My strength is hard worker and my weakness is easily to bored.
Kate : Do you have experience in the same field?
George : Yes, I have.
Kate : Do you speak any other languages?
George : I can speak in Indonesian Language and Russian Language
Kate : Do you have any computer skills?
George : I can using computer like Microsoft Office, Internet, Myob
Kate : Do you have any ambition in your life that you want to achieve? If you do, what is it?
George : Yes, I have. I have ambition for make my life be more rich, more better  and i've dream to around the world.
Kate : This job requires a lot of traveling, do you think you can cope with that ?
George : yes, i think i can cope that !
Kate : Oke George, thanks for coming to our office for this interview. We'll confirm to you approximately 2 weeks.
George : Oke, thank you miss. Ill waiting you confirm :)

Source :

with love,
mm :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Business Letters

This page is telling about the style in which business letters are written. Letter-head should be usually used to write the business letters. Failing which clean and white paper can be used for the purpose. An effective business letter will have the followings.

  • Date to indicate when the letters was written
  • Sender’s Address to indicate who wrote the letter
  • Recipient’s Address to whom the letter is addressed
  • Salutation to respect the addressee
  • Body of the letter
  • Closing of the letter
  • Enclosures in support of the body of the letter
  • Typist’s Name with Signature for future reference
  • Date :

    The date line will mention the date on which the letter is written. In case the letter was written few days back, it is better to put the date on which the letter is posted. And the best format to mention the date is the American Format as per which the month will appear before the date which will be followed by the year. Left-Justify the date in the above format.

    August 12, 2010

    Sender’s Address :

    It is better to write the complete address of the person who is writing the letter with the Street Name, Postal Code, the Phone Number and the Fax Number so that the addressee may contact the sender for any clarification. The name and the designation of the sender need not be mentioned, because those points will be mentioned in the closing formalities. This sender’s address is usually called FROM address. This also should be left-justified.

    Recipient’s Address :

    You should write to a specific person in the company. In the echelon of the organisational structure, specific responsibilities will be assigned to the individuals. Depending upon the purpose of the letter, you should address your letter to the specific person who is responsible to attend to your issue. In case, you do not know the name and the designation of the person to whom you have to write your letter, it is better to make a phone call to the company and collect information regarding the person who is responsible to attend to your issue. The personal title (Mr. Mrs. Ms. And Dr.) and the designation of that person should be mentioned in the Recipient’s Address. This alone will make your letter impressive and most effective. In case the address is in other country, the name of that country should be mentioned clearly so that the postal department people will be clear about the destination of the letter. This also should be left-justified. This Recipient’s address is usually called TO address.

    Salutation :

    Use the name of the addressee with his title in the salutation. If you know the addressee personally, it is enough to use the first name of the addressee. In case you do not know the addressee, it is better to use the full name of the addressee. In either care, use the title of the addressee.

    Dear Mr. John,
    Dear Miss Nancy,
    Dear Mrs. John,
    Dear Mr. Barrack Obama,

    In case you are not sure about the sexuality (gender) of the addressee, it is better to use the full name of that person.

    Dear Barrack Obama,

    Body of The Letter :

    The body should be concise and brief. The body should be supported with adequate and authentic documents which should be added as enclosures. In the body of the letter, single space between sentences is better. The letter should be left-justified. Between two paragraphs, single line space should be allowed. The first paragraph should present the issue whereas the second paragraph should give supportive details while the last paragraph should summarise the issue in a brief manner. In case the letter demands any urgent action from the addressee, that should be clearly mentioned in the body of the letter.

    Closing :

    The first letter of the closing line should be in Capital Form.

    With Thank.
    With Thanks.
    Thank You.
    Thanking You.

    After this closing line, there should be space of four or five lines in order to make space to add the signature of the sender.


    Letter for Reordering Goods

    This is a sample Letter for Reordering Goods.

    National Limited

    191 / N - Patricia Avenue
    Liverpool – 600 020
    Phone : 0011 - XXXXXXXX
    Fax : 0011 - XXXXXXXX

    Your ref : VGT / 0091

    Our Ref : SAL / 6 / 1425

    6 March - 19XX

    To :

    Mr. K. Sahadevan,
    Sales Manager,
    Maha Trading Company Sdn Bhd,
    Lot 2/34 Kompleks TAS,
    Jalan Niaga,
    80000 Johor Bahru.

    Dear Mr. Sahadevan,


    The new line of instant Noodles seems to be very popular with my customers. The last batch of 5 dozen packets you sent me were sold out within a week and my customers are asking for more.

    I require the following items urgently. Please send them to me as soon as possible.

    5 dozen Maree instant Mee (Chicken Flavour)

    5 dozen Maree Instant Mee ( Curry Flavour)

    5 dozen Maree Instant Mee (Tom Yam Flavour)

    5 dozen Maree Instant Mee ( Abalone Flavour)

    3 dozen Maree Instant Mihun ( Vegetarian)

    Your cheque for this month’s order will be forthcoming in a few days time.

    Thank you.

    M. Parameswari

    p.p. Manager


    Letter of Enquiry

    This is a sample Letter of Enquiry.


    6, Milton Road,
    BANGAORE-560 021.
    Phone : 098 – 13245678
    Fax : 098 - 13245678

    Ref : PUR / PS / 126

    10th January 2000

    To :

    Omega Switches Ltd.,
    6, Nawaz Khan Road,
    HYDERABAD-500 012.

    Dear Sirs,

    Please quote for pneumatic Receiver Pressure Switch of range 3-15 psi suitable for operating at 220 Volts and 50cps. We need thrity of them. We need them at the earliest date in order to meet our requirements.

    Thanking you.

    Yours faithfully,

    For ABC LTD.,

    (A.K. BHIMA RAO)

    Sumber :




    16 Macam Tenses

    • Simple Present Tense
    Penggunaan : Tense ini untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, dan kejadian yang terjadi pada saat sekarang ini.
    Rumus Tenses : S + V - 1
    Contoh Tenses : We agree with the speaker's opinion (bahasa: Kami setuju dengan opini pembicara)
    • Present Continuous Tense
    Penggunaan : Tense ini untuk membicarakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung sekarang atau rencana dimasa depan.
    Rumus : S + am/is/are +| present participle
    Contoh Tenses :  I’m driving a car to Bandung now. (bahasa: Saya sedang menyetir mobil ke Bandung sekarang.)
    •  Present Perfect Tense 
    Penggunaan : Tense ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu aktivitas atau situasi yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu atau masih berlanjut sampai sekarang.
    Rumus : S + have/has + past participle 
    Contoh : I have lived in California for 3 months. (bahasa: Saya telah tinggal di California selama 3 bulan)
    • Present Perfect Continuous Tense
    Penggunaan : Tense ini untuk mengungkapkan aksi yang telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lampau atau aksi telah dimulai dimasa lalu dan terus berlanjut sampai sekarang.
    Rumus : S + have/has + been + present participle 
    Contoh : The toddlers have been playing a ball for an hour. (bahasa: Balita - balita itu telah bermain bola selama satu jam)
    •  Simple Past Tense
    Penggunaan : Tense ini menunjukkan bahwa suatu kejadian terjadi dimasa lampau.
    Rumus : S + V - 2
    Contoh : The party started at 10.00 a.m. (bahasa: Pesta dimulai jam 10 pagi)
    • Past Continuous Tense
    Penggunaan : Tense ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan bahwa suatu aksi sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu dimasa lampau.
    Rumus : S + was/were + present participle
    Contoh :  The team was playing basketball all day yesterday. (bahasa: Tim bermain basket sepanjang hari kemarin.)
    • Past Perfect Tense
    Penggunaan : Tense ini untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi.
    Rumus : S + had + past particple 
    Contoh : When he came last night, the cake had run out. (bahasa: Ketika dia datang semalam, kue sudah habis.)
    •  Past Perfect Continuous Tense
    Penggunaan : Tense ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu aksi (dengan durasi waktu tertentu) telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu dimasa lalu.
    Rumus : S + had + been + present participle
    Contoh :  he labors had been demonstrating for an hour when the manager came. (bahasa: Pekerja telah berdemonstrasi selama satu jam ketika manager datang.)
    • Simple Future Tense
    Penggunaan : Tense ini untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi terjadi dimasa depan, baik secara spontan, maupun terencana.
    Rumus : S + will + bare infinitive
    Contoh :  You will win the game. (bahasa: Kamu akan memenangkan permainan tersebut.)
    • Future Continuous Tense
    Penggunaan :  Tense ini untuk mengungkapkan aksi yang akan sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa depan.
    Rumus : S + will + be + present participle 
    Contoh :  He will be sleeping at 10 p.m. (bahasa: Dia akan sedang tidur pada jam 10 malam.)
    • Future Perfect Tense
    Penggunaan :  Tense ini untuk mengungkapkan bahwa suatu aktivitas akan sudah selesai pada suatu titik waktu di masa depan.
    Rumus : S + will + have + past participle
    Contoh :  At this time next month, I’ll have finished my English course. (bahasa: Pada waktu yang sama bulan depan, saya akan telah menyelesaikan kursus bahasa Inggris.)
    •  Future Perfect Continuous Tense
    Penggunaan : Tense ini untuk mengungkapkan bahwa suatu aksi akan sudah berlangsung selama sekian lama pada titik waktu tertentu di masa depan.
    Rumus : S + will + been + present participle
    Contoh :  The cat will have been sleeping long when you get home. (bahasa: Kucing itu telah lama tidur ketika kamu pulang.)
    • Simple Past Future Tenses
    Penggunaan :  Tense ini untuk menyatakan suatu aksi yang akan dilakukan, membuat prediksi, dan membuat janji di masa depan pada saat berada dimasa lalu.
    Rumus :  S + would + bare infinitive
    Contoh :  He would forgive you. (bahasa: Dia akan memaafkanmu.)
    • Past Future Continuous Tense
    Penggunaan :  Tense ini untuk membicarakan suatu aksi yang akan sedang berlangsung (berupa prediksi/rencana) di masa depan pada saat berada dimasa lalu.
    Rumus :  S + would + be + present participle
    Contoh :  She would be working at nine o’clock this morning. (bahasa: Dia akan sedang bekerja jam sembilan pagi ini.)
    • Past Future Perfect Tense
    Penggunaan :  Tense ini untuk membicarakan suatu aksi aktivitas yang akan telah dilakukan di masa lalu. Bentuk ini juga digunakan pada conditional sentence type 3.
    Rumus :  S + would + have + past participle
    Contoh :  I thought you would have slept by the time I arrived. (bahasa: Saya pikir kamu akan sudah tidur pada saat saya tiba.)
    • Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
    Penggunaan :  Mirip dengan future perfect continuous tense, namun realisasi aksi yang dilakukan dapat diketahui sekarang karena aksinya terjadi di masa lampau.
    Rumus :  S + would + have + been + present participle
    Contoh :  He would have been working as a civil engineer in Jakarta by the end of this week last month.
    (bahasa : Dia akan telah bekerja sebagai enjinir sipil di Jakarta pada akhir minggu ini bulan lalu.)

    Sumber :